In His Presence Ministries
Prophetic Words
Prophetic Words by date the words were received.
Organized By: Date Given | Location | Word
Prophecies Received in 2005
December 14, 2005 – India – I received a revelation that India is Jehovah God’s country and
God loves India’s people. I received a revelation that a revival fire will break out in the region of
Navapur, India and will spread over the country of India. In addition men from this region will be
raised up and will travel the earth with the message of the gospel.
December 17, 2005 – India – I received a revelation it is a new day and God is doing a new
October 24, 2005 – Prayer Meeting - I saw a vision of a split down the middle of the map of U.
S. A nation cannot stand if it is divided against itself. The divide of the map of the U.S. was
positioned where the Mississippi River runs through the country so the revelation could also tell
of an impact on the Mississippi River.
September 21, 2005 – Prayer Meeting – I received a revelation that Houston would be
protected from Hurricane Rita due to the help Houston provided the Katrina survivors.
September 20, 2005 - Prayer Meeting – I received a revelation Houston will be protected from
Hurricane Rita by a dome of protection over Houston. I received revelation Hurricane Rita would
hit the location it would in order to judge U.S.'s idol of oil.
August 19, 2005 – Prayer Meeting – I saw a vision of a map of the U.S. when praying for the
country of Israel. The state of California disappeared from the map. I heard a moan of agony
from God's Throne over His children Israel removing their people from Gaza and the West Bank.
I sensed this was a revelation the U.S. would receive damage to its land based on the U.S.
involvement with Israel's pullout from Gaza Strip and the West Bank. This revelation came just
prior to Hurricane Katrina.
July 12, 2005 - Prayer Meeting- I saw a vision on many dead people lying on palates on the
ground. I saw someone motion for the people to get up and all the dead people sat up raised
from the dead. This revelation is about a coming catastrophe in which many people die and are
later raised from the dead by God.
January 9, 2005 - Nigeria Prayer Conference - I received a revelation Nigeria will be a light on a
hill for Africa. Nigeria will be a light to Africa for Jesus Christ.
January 1, 2005 – Prophetic Meeting - I received a revelation there will be changes in the
church leadership among some churches. There will be opportunities for Christians in the
leadership in the churches.
Prophecies Received in 2004
September 13, 2004 – Prayer Meeting in Florida – I saw a vision of a wall of water just to the
west of Panhandle of Florida. Hurricane Ivan hit the gulf coast within a few days with a wall of
water 35 high as reported by news reports.
June 15, 2004 – Prayer Meeting – I saw a vision of the skyline of Houston and the Holy Spirit
floating over Houston like a low-hanging cloud. I sense this represents a time when the Holy
Spirit will be moving and covering Houston like a low-hanging cloud.
Prophecies Received in 2003
June 17, 2003 – Prayer – I felt God was saying the 4th Seal in Revelation 6:7 & 8 was referring
to militant Islam.
May 22, 2003 - Prayer Meeting - I saw a vision of Jesus. He was replicated many times until
there were many images of Jesus standing before me. I sensed this was showing his church
being formed into the image of Jesus until there are many of human beings walking in the image
of Jesus.
April 24, 2003 - Prayer Meeting - I saw a vision of dry bones and breath being breathed upon
them. These bones came to life. I sensed these bones represented God's church and God's
Spirit being poured out.