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 Prophetic Words

Prophetic Words by date the words were received.

Organized By: Date Given  |   Location  |  Word    

Prophecies Received in 2009

July 14, 2009 - Prayer - Received words "some Christian ministries will turn out the lights". I saw
a vision of a picture of people worshipping God and the lights went out. God is taking His
followers back to their first love. The Bible describes that God will remove the candlestick
(leadership role) from those who won't follow Him.

July 8, 2009 - Christian Meeting -Received revelation Joel Osteen has been called to walk in the
next generation mantle or office of Billy Graham.  Joel reaches the un-churched people, people of
other religions and those hurt in their church experiences.  

Summer, 2009 – I was talking with a car dealer about trading cars when I felt I heard God say
“This new car will almost last until I return to Earth”.

June 26, 2009 - Christian Meeting - Received revelation God is saying to Satan to "Take your
best shot". This is a word that I received for a second time. God is pointing out that this is Satan's
last stand before Jesus comes to set up His kingdom on earth. This is about a confrontation
between Satan's kingdom and God's kingdom in the followers of Yahweh and Jesus.

June 25, 2009 - Christian Meeting - Received vision of "dark clouds rolling in" and heard the
same words. I believe these clouds reflect upcoming difficult times. This revelation was confirmed
in the physical by several days of heavy rain in Florida where I was. I believe these dark clouds
are tied to the relation between the US and Israel. The actions of the US government in relation to
Israel can bring corresponding effects on the US. The threat by North Korea to wipe the US off
the map is the exact same wording used by Israel's neighbors about Israel. The followers of
Jesus need to be in prayer for their governmental leaders to hear God's voice and follow God's

May 31, 2009 - Bible Study - Received revelation Jesus in John 5:43 was referring to Satan (the
Dragon) coming in his own name and will be accepted by the people of the earth but Jesus,
God's son, was rejected.  This is referring to the time when the dragon is cast to the earth just
before Jesus returns to earth.  John 5:43
43 "I have come in My Father's name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his
own name, you will receive him.  NASU

May 15, 2009 - Christian Meeting - Received revelation that prior to Jesus returns to the earth to
set up His kingdom, there will be services held all over the earth where His followers will be
praying and asking Jesus to come back to the earth.

May 8, 2009 - Christian Meeting - I was considering the information that prior to all the major
wars in the last few hundred years there has been a great outpouring of Revival on the earth. I
was considering that God was good and reaching out to save people before great wars and
devastation. I felt that God said that Satan sent the wars to stop the Revival that was happening
on the earth.  Praise God that He continues to pour out His Spirit on the earth as prophesied by

April 25, 2009 - Christian Meeting - While praying about the U.S. Government, I saw a vision of a
building's foundation crumbling into dust on the ground. We need to pray for the US in order for
the people to repent and turn back to following God.           

April 23, 2009 - Watching News Report on the Swine Flu Outbreak, I heard the words "a test".  I
feel God was saying this was a test to see the effects of the flu and the reaction of the people.
This is a preparation for a much bigger outbreak in the future.



Prophecies Received in 2008

November 2, 2008 - Christian Meeting - The latter house of the US will be greater than the
former house. The US will return to God and its future will be greater than its past.

August 19, 2008 - Christian Meeting - I saw a vision of Jesus standing in heaven wearing a
beautiful white robe covered in jewels. I knew that He was preparing for His wedding with His
Bride. The Bride is the followers of Yahweh God and those who name the name of Jesus. I
sensed that each jewel was being formed on the robe based on the adoration and worship acts
of His Bride here on earth.

April 26, 2008 - Mission Trip - Things will never be the same again on the earth. There will be no
more business as usual.



Prophecies Received in 2007

November 3, 2007 - Christian Meeting - I saw a vision of the New Jerusalem coming to earth
from heaven. I understood that the city is complete and ready in the spirit world. I saw a line (or
gate) where the spirit world and the physical world connect. I saw the city move through the gate
into the physical world. The city will suddenly appear in the physical world at the time God has

October 17, 2007 - Christian Meeting -I saw a vision of a fireball falling toward the earth when I
asked God what He was doing. God is pouring fire on His church. It will change the church and
purify the church. He is removing the things that are not of Him. This is the beginning of a great
move of God's power.

July 17, 2007 - Christian Meeting - I saw quick movement among the angels in heaven in a
vision. I sensed time was short and God was sending angels on important assignments. I sensed
this may revolve around the nation of Israel.

May 20, 2007 - Christian Meeting - God will pour out His presence on Houston now as the vision
on June 15, 2004 revealed.  The Holy Spirit will float over Houston like a low hanging cloud.  The
prophecy had been delayed due to competition and fighting among the leaders of the Christian

April 27, 2007 - Intercessory Prayer Meeting - God's hand is moving on the earth.  His hand will
uphold those who are His children.  There will never again be a time when man will think God is
not moving on the earth.  God is raising up Daniels at this time. These will be people of great
commitment to God.  God will do miracles through their hands.  They will do exploits in His
name!  God's Spirit will fall on the earth like honey.  The entire earth will be soaked by His
presence.  He will uphold His children with His strong right hand!  "Psalm 102:18 Let this be
written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the LORD:  NIV"  We are
the generation spoken of in Psalm that will praise the Lord!

March 22, 2007 - Intercessory Prayer Meeting - I saw a picture of the globe of the earth.  The
earth was struck by a giant bolt of lightning from space.  The lightning of God (His power) is
hitting the earth in greater strength.



Prophecies Received in 2006

December 8, 2006 - Intercessory Prayer Meeting - A house divided against itself cannot stand.  I
saw a picture of a map of the United States and the map disintegrated into dust.  God is calling
the church to intercede for unity among the people in the United States.  I had a revelation of a
picture of two cylindrical spigots that had release levers on them.   I felt God was saying one of
the spigots would release judgment and one would release the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  God
is asking the church to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit instead of the outpouring of
judgment.  I had revelation about the mission trip to Nigeria in January, 2007.  The mission team
will be protected so that it appears they are walking in a bubble of the Holy Spirit.  The prayer
conference in January in Nigeria will be aflame with the power of the Holy Spirit.

October 30, 2006 - Orphanage India - Children in the orphanage are in boot camp for the Lord.  I
saw army boots.  God is training them as an army.  Some of the boys will go all over India
preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

October 11, 2006 - Prayer- Iraq will continue to see bloodshed until the Christians prayer walk
over the nation and remit the sins from Saddam Hussein and previous leaders.

October 2, 2006 - Prayer Meeting - Man is trying to reach into the spirit world again like people
were doing at the time people tried to build the tower of Babel.  God will prevent man from doing
this.  God revealed there are walking dead people in Houston.  These people do not know God
and some have rejected God.   God is reaching out to save these people.

September 15, 2006 - Prayer Meeting - Heaven is immense is size it.  It compare in size to the Solar System.
God revealed the people standing closet to His throne are the intercessors because they hear His heart.  

August 18, 2006 - Prayer Meeting - I received revelation that nothing will ever be the same again
in our world.  It is a new day.

August 5, 2006 - Prayer Meeting - I received revelation God is calling for the governments of the
world  to be based on truth and is decreeing the hidden will be revealed and the governments will
be based on truth and his laws.

July 25, 2006 - Prayer Meeting - I received revelation God is using the wars, rumors of war,
economic concerns and natural catastrophes to draw people to Him.  I saw God extending His
arms around the earth and extending a loving embrace.  God is pouring our His Spirit and
pouring out the gift of faith on His children so they can walk through the difficult times and do exploits.

July 21, 2006 - Signs & Wonders Conference - I received a revelation that the prophesy in Joel 2
about God's army is a progressive application.  This army will be doing its work over a period of
time and not as a single action.   I sense this action by God's army will start before Jesus returns
to earth.  Joel 2: 11 "And Jehovah uttereth his voice before his army; for his camp is very great;
for he is strong that executeth his word; for the day of Jehovah is great and very terrible; and who
can abide it?  ASV"  All of God's creation is done through words uttered.

July 8, 2006 - Prayer Conference - I received a revelation that God has to keep His word.  If God
fails to keep His word, the universe will disintegrate.  God has to keep His promises to Abraham
that Israel will have the promised land of Israel.  If God gives you a promise, you can stand on the
promise.  The promise will come to pass.

July  7, 2006 - Prayer Conference - I received a revelation God is saying for those who give their
money and time to God and Jesus Christ, He will repay in abundance.  God says He will not be
beholden to anyone.  He will not be in anyone's debt.  God will repay in abundance.

June 15, 2006 – Prayer Meeting – I received a revelation God is calling for the new government
of Iraq to be formed on a foundation of truth.  The Bible says that Jesus Christ is truth.  God is
calling all nations to be based on a foundation of truth.

April 4, 2006 - Phone Call – In Revelation 12 the Bible describes Satan and the fallen angels will
be cast to the earth from the heavens.  I received a revelation Satan and his angels will be limited
to the physical realm when he is cast down to the earth from the heavens.  Satan will no longer be
able to return to the spiritual realm where he can be invisible.  Rev. 13:4-5 speaks of the dragon
being bowed down to by humanity which implies a physical manifestation of the dragon (Satan).  

March 31, 2006 - Prayer Meeting – I received a revelation that Houston, Texas will be called
upon to be a city of refuge again as it has in the past.  Many people will be brought to Houston for
medical help due to some major emergency.  These people will be coming to Houston looking
very similar to people injured in car accidents.  People will be brought on gurneys for the seriously
injured and others with bandages.

March 25, 2006 – Open Heavens Conference – I received further revelation concerning the new
thing God is doing this year.  This new thing is levitations.  Levitations will be reported in
meetings worldwide.   

March 24, 2006 – Open Heavens Conference – I received a vision showing dry bones.  These
bones were breathed on and they came together to form people.  These people spread out
across a globe of the earth.  When these people encircled the earth and covered the entire earth,
a brilliant light broke in the atmosphere over the earth.  This vision revealed when the gospel
reaches the entire earth, Jesus will return to earth to reign as King of Kings as Jesus spoke about
in Matthew 24.

January 22, 2006 – Cuba – I received vision about a fog rolling down the streets of the Cuban
Island and sensed God was working and moving on the islands of the sea like a fog.

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