In His Presence Ministries
Prophetic Words
Prophetic Words by date the words were received.
Organized By: Date Given | Location | Word
Prophecies Received in 2012
December 2012 – Intercession – I felt God said “My people are not ready for what they are getting
ready to deal with that is ahead of them”. I felt I was to teach a serious of sermons on decreeing and
declaring and on power encounters in the Bible.
March 8, 2012 - Conference - I saw a vision of a group of people rising up. I believe that the
church is arising around the world. The church will rise up and give God the ability to restore the U.
S. to be a Judea/Christian nation again. God will then be able to bless the U.S. again.
March 2, 2012 - Conference - I heard for several days that the west coast of the U.S. is under the
control of a principality of lust. (There is the movie industry and the porn industry based in
California and Nevada is a big prostitution and gambling area). I believe God revealed that
Bethel Church and Bill Johnson are chipping away at this control by the spirit of love from God.
The spirit of lust is being broken by the spirit of love from God.
March 1, 2012 - Conference - God revealed that I and the leadership of IHP will be prophesying to
kings and leaders of nations. We will use the airplane He is providing to travel to these nations.
March 1, 2012- Conference - I felt God was revealing that we need to add to our training for the
prophets an understanding of how to decree and declare God's will into the atmosphere based
on Rev 11:3-6.
February, 2012 – Intercession – I felt God was saying about Bethel Church (Bill Johnson) in Redding,
California that they have been chipping away on the power of evil principalities over the city of Redding.
They are doing this primarily through love, prayer and worship. I saw chips falling from the sky above
January 29, 2012 - Church Service - I felt God said that IHP Ministries would plant multiple
Prophecies Received in 2011
October 15, 2011 -Prayer - I felt God sad that people from the Democrat party would vote in the
Republican primaries to try to shape the results of the Republican presidential nomination. We
need to pray that the person God wants to be president will win the nomination and the election.
What's Next? October, 2011 Newsletter
September 7, 2011 - Prayer -I felt God said the Texas drought has been caused by people
speaking word curses over former President George Book initially and then over the State of
Texas because it is the State where George Bush lives. I believe we need to break these curses
daily and speak blessings over the State. We have started seeing rain in the State since we have
started breaking the curses. Update - It was this month that Texas started to receive rain on the
land again and are seeing the drought start to break.
August 27, 2011 - Interview - God spoke through me about IHP's purpose.
The reason IHP exists is because of these ministries who refused to let their people be trained or
step out and do the things God told them to do. They’re sitting there in agony because they know
they’re called. No option for them. He is saying we exist because of that. We’re going to open
the flood gate. This is why we’re going to grow so unbelievably.
I saw God crying because His churches have done this and haven’t allowed the people to be
trained or have not encouraged them to step out in their gifting. God is upset.
August 18, 2011 - Prayer- Hurricane Irene - I felt God was saying He would use Hurricane Irene
to prompt some of His people to relocate out of the Northeast.
August 6, 2011 - Prayer - The Appointed Time Saturday was Houston’s Appointed Time for
revival. I felt led to preach on this subject on Saturday night, August 6, 2011. This was the same
day as The Response meeting at Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas. God was giving Houston a
second chance to receive its revival. Houston had turned down a revival that ended up starting in
California known as the Azusa Street Revival. Saturday was Houston’s time to receive its revival
and to be restored. The event coordinators originally considered Dallas as the event location but
the event ended up being held in Houston. Houston's restoration will be like the Apostle Peter
being restored. The Apostle Peter turned his back on Jesus when He was taken to be crucified.
The Apostle Peter was restored to his rightful place when Jesus asked him three times, “Peter,
Do you love me?”. Houston has been restored and the revival will now come that has been
prophesied for so many years.
July 2, 2011 - Prayer -I felt that the Lord was saying He was going to speed up the start of the
Great Tribulation in order to preserve people from being destroyed. God restored Israel before
the end of two thousand years as prophesied in Hosea 6. Two thousand years from the death of
Jesus would be around 2030.
Hosea 6:1-3
6:1 "Come, let us return to the Lord.
For He has torn us, but He will heal us;
He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.
2 "He will revive us after two days;
He will raise us up on the third day,
That we may live before Him.
3 "So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord.
His going forth is as certain as the dawn;
And He will come to us like the rain,
Like the spring rain watering the earth." NASU
May 19, 2011 -Prayer - I listened to the speech by President Obama today which was telling
Israel to give up covenant lands back to the 1967 borders with some exceptions. I felt like God
was saying that He has been reaching out to President Obama. God has been asking him to
soften his heart and follow His leading. I felt like God was saying that President Obama had
repeatedly hardened his heart against the things God was asking him to do. I felt that God was
saying that President Obama had reached some point of no return and that now God was
hardening President Obama’s heart. God compared this to when God was dealing with Pharaoh
to deliver Israel from Egypt. Pray for Israel and the leaders of the U.S.
Prophecies Received in 2010
December 29, 2010 - Conference - I saw a vision of a star exploding and light expanding out in
all directions. I knew God was describing the expansion of IN His Presence Ministries after the
beginning of the year. I saw money coming into the ministry. I saw a vision of a multiple story
building that would be the ministry office for In His Presence Ministries. The building will be
coming to fruition soon.
November 20, 2010 - Staff Meeting - I heard God say we were going to rest until the end of the
year and after the new year, the ministry would explode in size.
April 23, 2010 - Conference - I saw a vision of a cloud of the Holy Spirit move in over the United
States of America. I prophesied this represented the upcoming move of God in the U.S. I also
prophesied the Bride of Christ is making herself ready for the return of Jesus to the earth.
March 3, 2010 - Conference - I saw a vision of a train, a set of steps and a bicycle chain. I new
God was saying In His Presence Ministries would be a move of God and that God would show
me the steps and the timing for the move of God.
March 26, 2010 - Prayer - I was in prayer about the condition of the U.S. I heard God say that
one person cannot make a difference but together we can change things. We need to join
together to stand up to restore the U.S. to its original intent of being a constitutional republic. I felt
God said "You have to break egg shells to make scrambled eggs:. He has to break some of the
existing things in the U.S. into to create something good.
March 26, 2010 - Conference - Felt God was grieved over the plight of the women Muslims. He
is reaching out to them and will give us plans to understand how to reach this group of people that
God loves.
March 18, 2010 - Dream - Heard God say twice "“I cannot intervene in this bill because I cannot
go against their will”. I had been praying about God intervening supernaturally in the votes in the U.
S. Legislature over health care. I changed the way I prayed to pray that God would urge the pro-
life legislatures to oppose the legislation and give them strength to stand for the right to life of the
unborn babies.
January 5, 2010- Bible Study - Received revelation that the praying, declaring and decreeing
believers will be instrumental in casting Satan to the earth at the beginning of the great tribulation.
They will overcome him with the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. A tipping
point will be reached when the believers join in unity to stand against Satan.