In His Presence Ministries
Prophetic Words
Prophetic Words by the date the words were received.
Organized By: Date Given | Location | Word
Prophecies Received in 2014
September 21, 2014 - Holy Spirit Service - I saw a swirling tornado. I felt God was saying He was sending much change.
June 30, 2014 - Intercession - I heard repeatedly God speak the words, "constitutional crisis". This means the different branches of government and the state governments are going to find themselves in a crisis of who is in control and in charge. The church and believers need to pray and decree what God wants decreed in this situation.
June 16, 2014 - Intercession - I heard the word Revival for thirty minutes. God is sending a great revival to In His Presence Ministries and around the world. We immediately started experiencing revival in our services.
Prophecies Received in 2013
November 5 - Intercession - There are going to be sheep states and goat states in the U.S. God will judge the states based on how they treat the Christian and the Hebrew people.
November 2, 2013 - Holy Spirit Service - Each year from this time forward the Holy Spirit outpouring (Latter Rain) will increase.
October 14, 2013 - Intercession - I heard God say "things will never be the same again".
October, 2013 - Dream - I had a dream about IHP leading ministry trips out of Houston again. There may be a connection to Cincinnati. God had told me to not travel outside the U.S. for two years ending in November, 2013.
September, 2013 – Christian Training Class – I felt I heard God say for almost an hour “What you must do, do quickly”.
August, 2013 - Dream - I had a dream about IHP having a ministry office and or doing ministry in Alaska.
July 2013 – Dream - I had a dream in which I was explaining to a woman that Jesus was returning to Earth in 2017.
July 2013 – Intercession – I was praying for the United States when I felt God said “I have a covenant with the people of the U.S. but I don’t have a covenant with the country of the U.S.”
January 2013 - Intercession – I felt I heard God say for almost thirty minutes the day before we moved into our new building “400 seats is not enough”.